The Dante's House Museum and “beyond”... with Dante's Women
The purpose of the tour is to guide people of all ages through the discovery of Dante Alighieri and his world, thanks to guided tours of the Dante’s House Museum and Florence’s places of interest linked to his life. Museum workers, qualified in the cultural-educational field, and tour guides will lead you through the exploration of Dante’s universe. Dante, his life and his work, as well as the medieval world, will be narrated through the voices of the female figures who were part of the Supreme Poet’s life and journey: Beatrice Portinari, Bella degli Abati, Francesca from Rimini, Matelda, Tana Alighieri, Gemma and Piccarda Donati.
Each tour will be guided by two characters chosen among the ones available on the day and at the time agreed upon at the time of reservation. Inside the museum, groups of more than 10 people will be divided into two groups, each with their own guide.
(***) If the group is composed by 8 or more people, each participant must pay an additional 1,50€ (including teachers and people with disabilities) for the wireless radio-guide system, in compliance with the new regulations introduced by the Urban Police and approved on February 10th 2025 by the Florence City Council.

Dante's neighbourhood
Thanks to this dramatized tour, you will discover the places of the so-called Dante’s Neighbourhood through the voices and the stories of the women who accompanied Dante through his life and his journey through the three afterworlds.
- Dante’s House Museum
- Church of Santa Margherita de’ Cerchi
- Via del Corso
- Piazzetta dei Donati
- Torre della Castagna
- Via de’ Cerchi
- Piazza della Signoria
- Piazza San Firenze
- Piazza Santa Croce
Meeting point: Via Santa Margherita, 1 – Dante’s House Museum

Dante in Florence before his exile
Thanks to this dramatized tour, you will discover the places of Florence where Dante lived before his exile, from his house to the “beautiful San Giovanni”, through the voices and the stories of the women who accompanied Dante through his life and his journey through the three afterworlds.
- Dante’s House Museum
- Church of Santa Margherita de’ Cerchi
- Via del Corso
- Piazzetta dei Donati
- Torre della Castagna
- Via de’ Cerchi
- Piazza della Signoria
- Via dei Calzaiuoli
- Chiesa di Orsanmichele
- Duomo e Battistero
Meeting point: Via Santa Margherita, 1 – Dante’s House Museum